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Sticky: Interested in becoming a moderator ? Register your interest here! (Jan 2024)
05-17-2022, 10:43 PM
Lele Offline
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RE: Sticky: Interested in becoming a moderator ? Register your interest here!! (May 2022)

I am interested as I have been on this website for a year and I have had the opportunity to meet new people and see some very interesting videos that shared to keep everyone entertained. I would love to become a moderator because I feel like I owe something back to the website as everyone here as entertained me and I want to make sure everything is run smoothly so that there is no complaints and we can attract more and more people to the website so that it can become more active. I hope u make me moderator as I will help make sure everyone is playing to thier specific roles and everyone in the community is entertained thx for reading this

Yours sincerely lele

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RE: Sticky: Interested in becoming a moderator ? Register your interest here!! (May 2022) - by Lele - 05-17-2022, 10:43 PM

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