(12-14-2023, 08:37 AM)Originally Posted by ark181818None of the other versions here (except a low-res one) has the nipple slip in it. Found this in youtube, of all places!
We need better versions, as this simple doesn't do justice to Dimple's hard work
Dimple set her nipples free. Now it is our duty to preserve and share this for future generations!!
Wish I could rep every great contribution you do but I can only give couple a day. Sorry!
(12-14-2023, 12:12 PM)Originally Posted by yada2020yadaI wonder how they missed this during censoring but again thanks to unavailability of the tools or clarity back then.
Indeed, blink and you'll miss it. With technology, we are able to inspect frame by frame. Thanks for the reps!
(12-14-2023, 12:12 PM)Originally Posted by yada2020yadaI wonder how they missed this during censoring but again thanks to unavailability of the tools or clarity back then.
No one missed anything. It was a deliderate and wilful nip exposure. Dimple was making a comeback after failed marriage with Rajesh Khanna, and she agreed. Producer and Director managed Censor Board.